Klich Kazimierz was born on August 8th, 1928, in Brody next to Lwów. After the war he went to Sławno. In 1947 he finished Gimnazjum and two years later he passed a secondary-leaving examination in the Secondary School in Sopot. He started to work as a tutor in the children’s home in the Sławno. In 1953 he graduated philosophy and Polish philology at the University in Wrocław and Warsaw. After the University he worked as a teacher in secondary and elementary schools in Jasień, Główczyce and Darłow. In 1970s he arrived in the Bieszczady, where he started to work in Bieszczady’s school: in Liskowate, in Hoczew and in Śrerdnia Wieś (from 1973). In 1974 he started to carve. He attended in 25 individual and group exhibitions. He died on a heart attack on March 21st, 1990.


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Średnia Wieś

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